Thursday, July 13, 2006

Moral Dilemma

Why does the word dilemma never look right? I spell checked it and all so it must be right. Spell checker would LIE to me!

Here is my non-knitting moral dilemma. One of my best friends is a guy. I'm currently knitting (okay I cast on this morning in an attempt to beat the damn deadline) a sweater for his soon to be born first child. My friend is a big hockey guy. BIG hockey guy. He thinks baseball (my sports love) is slow and boring. For those of you non-Minnesotan, non-Canadian readers, hockey is like a religion here. It is right up there with fishing and hunting and somewhere above a smelt fry. It's right up there with everyone owns a boat and knows how to do something in the snow even if it's just make angels.

Kids start playing hockey here before they start school. The MN Gopher hockey team is feared by others. Ya know how artsy types go to the NY School of Performing Arts? Yeah, weird as it is, we have hockey high schools here. The hockey Hall of Fame is here. You cannot imagine how hockey mad people here are without living in MN or Canada.

I hate hockey. I don't get it. I'm not interested. My kid asked to play when he was 9. We explained that if we lived someplace else he could start at 9, but here in Minnesota 9 is too late. The other kids are too far ahead. You'll never catch up, you won't have fun. Okay some of this had to do with 5 am ice times and such, but whatever.

So we are hosting this baseball tourney and one of the team's manager's is a hockey player. A 1980, "Miracle On Ice" Olympic hockey player. A NHL hall of famer. A professional hockey coach now. I am dying to ask him to sign an autograph for my friend that says, "Baseball is so cool. XXXX". Would that be too tacky for words or will I kick myself later if I don't ask him to do this? Comments needed.


ChristinaL said...

I would def. do it! Explain that's it's a joke, but your friend is a HUGE hockey fan and I'm sure he'll sign it. Don't forget to ask him to sign it "to" your friend--most celebs won't just sign their name in case you decide to sell it on eBay. Good luck!

This Weary Traveler said...

Oh absolutely! I'll ask him to sign it to Hammer, or B-Donny but being the nice person I am, I won't ask him to sign it "Fat Boy or Dumb Ass" which are my little endearments for him. Christina, I can't access your profile. Where are you from?

sheep#100 said...

Go ahead - he can only say and you'll never see him again in either case.

Chris said...

Go for it!

Heh, I can deal with hockey, but not baseball. Not that I'm strong on sports...

Sydney Harper said...

I say do it, not that I'm that big on hockey or baseball. He is a baseball team manager. All he can say is no.

Smelt fry??

Mrs. H said...

DEFINITELY! I'm a baseball fan living in RABID basketball country so I know how you feel. Have the guy sign it TO your friend and definitely say something about baseball. That is just too good to pass up.

Knittymama said...

Oh, you've GOT to!!! I'm with you on the whole hockey thing. I'm down with about any other sport, but if the boys want hockey I will try my darndest to talk them out of it. The equipment cost a fortune!

Smelt fries...haven't been to one of those since I was a kid!

shrimpfriedrice said...

LOVE IT! You *have* to do it.

We moved from MN to Louisiana when my brother was ten and he was pisssssed. New Orleans isn't a big hockey town.

katie said...

That's hilarious, you should definitely do it!

renee said...

Agreed. You absolutely should. The "Miracle" team is used to being asked for autographs, so I'm sure he's used to it and perhaps even a little flattered that people still want them. I think if you explain how you have a friendly debate over which is better, hockey or baseball, he'll get a kick out of it.

BTW, I know EXACTLY what you mean about dilemma. My current book club selection includes that word and when I was searching for the book online, I kept typing it deli instead of dile. Now those two m's look wrong too!

Mrs. H said...

Oh yeah, meant to comment on your dilemma dilemma. The correct spelling looks wrong to me too. I always think two l's and ONE m -Dillema- but that looks even MORE wrong. Perhaps if you pronounce it the British way "Dye-lemma", it makes more sense?

Sheepish Annie said...

I don't get the appeal of hockey either. My only interest in most sports centers on how cute the players look in their uniforms. Hockey uniforms don't work for me...and I couldn't be worse at asking people for things! However I think if you explained what you were doing, Mr. Hockey dude would be happy to sign something.