Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

From Maggie and Maxine

The boys have decorated the house. This weekend we were at Target where I was eyeing some tasteful grapevine pumpkins with little white twinkle lights. I was promptly told that I get to decorate for Christmas, but Halloween is for my husband and son. Tasteful is not the goal. Well, they don't have to worry, there is nothing tasteful in their decorating.

Their favorite new decoration was obtained while I was away. It is a battery operated rock with a motion detector. When someone walks by it lights up and moans. Imagine my joy at finding this while walking up the walk to the door in the dark one night. By the time my shaking hand was able to unlock the front door, my son was down the stairs laughing so hard he was doubled over.

Son: "Mom, I could hear you scream all the way up in my room!"
Me: "mrrgfl"

Yeah, they are a funny bunch around here. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Chris said...

LOL - that devil costume is too perfect! I'd have screamed too re: the moaning rock...

Guinifer said...

Happy Halloween to Maggie and Maxine!

I'd have been laughin' with your kid. Sometimes I think I'm really a pre-adolescent boy on the inside.

Kelly said...

I would have been laughing as well. Your pups look so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the dog costume pictures! And I hate to say that I might have laughed, too. But, not if I was in your spot!

Sheepish Annie said...

The pups look about as thrilled as you must have been when the rock went off. But gosh, they look cute!! I tried to dress up the cats, but there was a general protest and some pain on my part.

Happy Halloween!

Tipper said...

That rock story is priceless!

I almost bought that bee costume for Sophie.

Anonymous said...

I love the dog costumes! We have this singing Halloween door thing with a motion detector. Rick turns it on. I turn it off. Repeat until Halloween is over. :)